Az Armored Claw™ kesztyűket civil és katonai felhasználók számára egyaránt tervezték. Az Armored Claw™ kesztyűkben olyan fejlett anyagokat használnak, mint a Kevlar, Nomex®, Dynetex® és Schoeller Keptrotec®. Ez egyes modelleket tűzállóvá és vágásállóvá tesz. A felhasználó igényeitől függően. Számos modell protektorokkal és megerősített felületekkel van ellátva. Például a csuklón és az ujjperceken. Ez garantálja a lehető legmagasabb védelmet a sérülések ellen. Az Armored Claw™ kesztyűben érintőképernyős okostelefonokkal, tabletekkel is dolgozhat.
A Shield Cut termékcsalád a lehető legjobb védelmet nyújtja az ujjperceknek ütközéskor, különösen közelharcban. A kesztyű fő és legfontosabb része az ujjpercvédő. A Schoeller® által kifejlesztett eredeti Keprotec® technológiával készül. Követi az ujjpercek alakját, és egyik összetevője Kevlar®-t tartalmaz. A legtöbb ütést elnyeli, és jól védi a legérzékenyebb területeket.
A kesztyű többi része spandexből készült, amely rugalmasságot biztosít a kesztyűnek, és jól követi a kezet. A kesztyű belsejében kiváló minőségű műbőrt használnak.
A kesztyű a csukló körül rugalmas, és tépőzáras pánttal rögzíthető. Így a felhasználó kezének megfelelően beállítható a megfelelő átmérő.
Armored Claw™ is designed for the most demanding
users, both civilian and military or law enforcement. The Armored Claw™ gloves
use such fabrics as Kevlar®, Nomex®, Dynetex® and Schoeller Keptrotec®. Thanks
to that, you can find fire-resistant, cut-resistant and reinforced products
among the products line - all depending on your needs. Many models are equipped
with protective pads and reinforced areas, e.g. on wrists and knuckles. This
guarantees the highest possible protection against injuries.
Armored Claw™ gloves can also work with touch
screens in smartphones, tablets etc. Making the long story short: the Armored
Claw™ is a complex line meeting all of the requirements imposed by not only
airsoft, but also the modern battlefield.
Only the very best, field tested for long years
materials have been used to create Armored Claw gloves, thus guaranteeing their
reliability and endurance. Among the materials there are original Kevlar® and
Nomex® fabrics manufactured by DuPont®, the
list also includes Keprotec® engineered by Schoeller
Switzerland®. Great comfort has been achieved thanks to use of
additional materials such as Spandex, neopren, natural and
synthetic leathers.
Armored Claw product line
contains a huge selection of different gloves offering different levels of
protection. All that to let the customer select the right model for his specific
needs: fire retardant / cut resistant / or reinforced lining to provide more
protection against impacts and injuries.
The presented Shield Cut model
of Armored Claw gloves line guarantees the best available
protection against physical injuries caused by impact, especially present during
hand to hand combat.
The main, and the most important element of this
model is the stiff protector - the armor on the top part of the glove.
It"s made using the original Keprotec® technology engineered by
Schoeller® company. The polimer, ergonomically shaped to fit
the hand"s profile is further lined using Kevlar®, which in
turn creates a solid armor that absorbs most fist-impact. This profile also
provides protection against painful abrasions, because it covers the part of the
hand that is most exposed to for this kind of injuries.
The rest outer part was made of spandex what
despite the use of the Keprotec makes the gloves very elastic and it makes that
the gloves fit to the shape of the hand. The inner part, on the other hand... is
made of synthetic leather which is additionally reinforced with an extra layer
in the most vulnerable places. The adjustment is made by the velcro closing
The elastic bottom part of the glove adjusts to
the wrist, the inner part is Velcro-fastened, allowing to adjust the width.